Prof. Manuel Castro

IEEE Former Division VI Director
IEEE Education Society President Emeritus, Spain

Engineering Education in the time of the Internet of Things: Ethics and Sustainability
The concept of Smart is gaining new areas and new topics as it is spreading around all actions in our daily life as part of the present Internet of Things world. Smart Cities are one of the "oldest" terms but the new vision of the Personal Smart Cities are increasing the focus on the living aspects of the intelligence around us. Ubiquitous and smart intelligence are converging paradigms to feed machine and deep learning algorithms bringing support and exploiting big data and analytics to improve the efficiency of our technological systems and to have a better quality of life. Ambient Intelligence is one of the sources of the Smart Learning and Smart Education, where methodology goes hand-to-hand with technology, sensors, equipments and new learning views where the open aspects (open learning, LO, OCW, MOOCs, etc.) are having a more important role as well as are increasing the connection on our social networks and the life-long learning paradigm that is converging with our future. All these engineering applications have an impact in our life that should be always filtered through a prism of sustainability and ethics that will modulate the vision of the European Union Industry 5.0 declaration as well as the deployment of the Personal Smart Cities.

This presentation will show the long way we were involved during more than thirty years around distance education and practical competences, the convergence with online learning in the use of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Engineering and the new way that we are facing after the main effects of the pandemic time where we should go a new era, more inclusive, diverse and personalized adapted for all. The way we include the practical competences inside the engineering studies, problems, simulations, remote and pocket labs open a new era in those applications, the incoming immersive environments involved in the education world, showing example projects like ECoVEM including application of the practical competences and laboratories in the Vocational Education Training arena to comply the European Chips Act and the ICT converge. We will finish the presentation with a short introduction of the IEEE Education Society inside the area of educational activities, collaboration events and local chapters orientation.
IEEE Former Division VI Director and IEEE Education Society President Emeritus, Spain
IEEE Fellow, IGIP Nikola Tesla Chain Award, IEEE HKN (Etta Kappa Nu) Professional member and Honor Ambassador of Madrid Convention Bureau Professor UNED

Manuel Castro received the Industrial Engineering degree and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from ETSII/Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain. He was the National University of Distance Education’s (UNED’s) New Technologies Vice-Rector, the UNED’s Information Services Center Director, the Research and Doctorate Vice-Director, the Vice-Director of Academic Affairs with the School of Engineering, UNED, and the Director of the Department. He worked for five years in Digital Equipment Corporation, as a Senior System Engineer. He is currently a Professor of Electronics Technology being expert and focused in Technology Enhanced Learning and Simulations/Digital Twins inside the Connected Industry.

Prof. Castro belongs to the organizing committee of the IEEE EDUCON (Chair), the IEEE EDUNINE, the IEEE LWMOOCs (Chair), ISES, TAEE, and SAAEI conferences. He is a member of the Board of Directors (BoD) of the IEEE, as former Division VI Director from 2019 to 2020, a member of the Administration Committee and Board of Governors (AdCOM/BoG) from 2005 to 2024. He was a recipient of the Extraordinary Doctoral Award from the UPM and the 1988 Viesgo Doctoral Thesis Award for improving Scientific Research on Industrial Process Electricity Application. He has been world-renowned with several awards, being the most recent 2019 IEEE William E. Sayle Award for Achievement in Education of the IEEE Education Society and the IEEE LWMOOCS 2023 Meritorious Service Award.